Ad·ji·dau´mo adjidaumo— the red squirrel
Ah·deek´ Ahdeek— the reindeer
Ah·kose´win ahkosewin/span>— fever
Ah·meek´ ahmeek— the beaver
Ah´mo ahmo— the bee
An·ne·mee´kee annemeekee— the thunder
A·puk´wa apukwa— a bulrush
Baim-wa´wa baim-wawa— the sound of the thunder
Be·mah´gut bemahgut— the grapevine
Be´na bena— the pheasant
Big-Sea-Water — Lake Superior
Bu·ka·da´win bukadawin— famine
Ca·lu·met´ calumet— a ceremonial peace pipe; from the french word chalumet
Che·maun´ chemaun— a birch canoe
Che·to·waik´ chetowaik— the plover
Chi·bia´bos Chibiabos— a musician; friend of Hiawatha; becomes ruler of the Land of Spirits
Dah·in´da Dahinda— the bullfrog
Dush-kwo-ne´-she Dush-kwo-ne-she— or Kwo-ne-she the dragonfly
E´sa — Esashame on you
Es·co·na´ba´ Esconaba— the Escanaba River in the upper peninsula of Michigan
E·wa-ye·a´ Ewa-yea— lullaby
Ghee·zisgheezis — the sun
Git´che Gu´mee Gitche Gumee— The Big-Sea-Water, Lake Superior
Git´che Ma´ni·to Gitche Manito— the Great Spirit, the Master of Life
Gush·ke·wau´ gushkewau— the darkness
Hi·a·wa´tha Hiawatha— the Wise Man, the Prophet, the Teacher; son of Mudjekeewis, the West-Wind and Wenonah, daughter of Nokomis
I·a´goo Iagoo— a great boaster and story-teller
In·in´e·wug Ininewug— men, or pawns in the game Pugasaing, wedgemen
Ish·koo·dah´ Ishkoodah— fire, a comet
Jee´bi Jeebi— a ghost, a spirit
Joss´a·keed Joshakeed— a prophet
Ka·be·yun´Kabeyun/span>— the West Wind, Mudjekeewis
Ka·bi·bo·nok´ka Kabibonokka— the North Wind
Kagh — the hedgehog
Ka´go Kago— do not
Kah·gah·gee´ Kahgahgee— the raven
Kaw — no
Ka·ween´ kaween— no indeed
Ka·yoshk´ kayoshk— the seagull
Kee´go keego— a fish
Kee·way´din Keewaydin— the Northwest wind, the Home Wind
Ke·na´beek Kenabeek— a serpent
Ke·ne·u´ keneu— the great war-eagle
Ke·no´zha Kenozha— the pike
Ko´ko-ko´ho Koko-koko— the owl
Kun·ta·soo´ Kuntasoo— the Game of Plumstones
Kwa´sind Kwasind— the Strong Man, Hiawatha’s friend
Kwo-ne´-she Kwo-ne-she— or Dush-kwo-ne-she, the dragon-fly
Mah·nah·be´zee Mahnahbezee— the swan
Mahng — the loon
Mahn-go-tay´see Mahngotaysee— loon-hearted, brave
Mah·no·mo´nee Mahnomonee— wild rice
Ma´ma mama— the woodpecker
Ma´ni·to manito— a spirit, a guardian spirit
Maiden of the Prarie — the prarie dandelion, Nothocalais cuspidata in the Aster family
Me´da Meda— a healer
Me´da·min Medamin— the art of healing
Mee·nah´ga Meenahga— the blueberry
Me·gis·sog´won Megissogwon— the great Pearl-Feather, a magician, and the Manito of Wealth
Me·shi·nau´wa Meshinauwa— a pipe-bearer
Min·je·kah´wun Minjekahwun— Hiawatha´s mittens
Min·ne·ha´ha Minnehaha— Laughing Water; wife of Hiawatha; a waterfall off the Mississippi in Minneapolis
Min·ne-wa´wa Minne-wawa— a pleasant sound, as of the wind in the trees
Mi·she-Mo´kwa Mishe-Mokwa— the Great Bear
Mi·she-Nah´ma Mishe-Nahma— the Great Sturgeon
Mis·ko·deed´ miskodeed— the Spring-Beauty, the claytonia Virginica
Mit´che Ma´ni·to Mitche Manito— spirit of evil
Mon·da´min Mondamin— corn
Moon of Bright Nights — April
Moon of Leaves — May
Moon of Strawberries — June
Moon of the Falling Leaves — September
Moon of Snowshoes — November
Mud·je·kee´wis Mudjekeewis— the West Wind; father of Hiawatha
Mud·way-aush´ka mudway-aushka— sound of waves on a shore
Mush·ko·da´sa Mushkodasa— the grouse
Mus´ko·day muskoday— the meadow
Nah´ma nahma— the sturgeon
Nah´ma-wusk nahmawusk— spearmint
Na´gow Wudj´oo nagow wudjoo— the Grand Sable sand dunes of Lake Superior
Na·na·boh´zo Nanabohzo— a moral, heroic, and trickster figure in many First Nations storytellings, particularly among the Ojibwe. Longfellow’s Hiawatha character is based on Nanabozho, minus his trickster aspects.
Na·wa·da´ha Nawadaha— a sweet singer; the teller of this tale
Nee-ba-naw´-baigs nee-ba-naw-baigs— water-spirits
Ne·ne·moo´sha nenemoosha— sweetheart
Ne·pah´win Nepahwin— spirit of sleep
No·ko´mis Nokomis— a grandmother; Hiawatha’s grandmother, mother of Wenonah
No´sa nosa— my father
Nush´ka nushka— look! look!
O·dah´min odahmin— the strawberry
O·jeeg´ ojeeg— the summer-water, the Fisher Weasel
O·kah·ha´wis okahhawis— the fresh-water herring
O·me´mee omemee— the pigeon
O·na´gon onagon— a bowl
On·a·way´ onaway— awake
O·pe·chee´ opechee— the robin
Os·se´o Osseo— Son of the Evening Star
O·wais´sa owaissa— the blue-bird
O·wee·nee´ Oweenee— wife of Osseo
O·za·wa´beek ozawabeek— a round piece of brass or copper in the game Pugasaing
Pah-puk-kee´na pah-puk-keena— the grasshopper
Pai·mo·said´ paimosaid— the stealthy walker, thief
Pau´guk pauguk— death
Pau-Puk-Kee´wis Pau-puk-Keewis— the handsome Yenadizze, the son of Storm Fool
Pau·wa´ting pauwating— Sault Sainte Marie
Pe´bo·an peboan— Winter
Pem´i·can pemican— meat of the deer or buffalo dried and pounded; jerky
Pez·he·kee´ pezhekee— the bison
Pish·ne·kuh´ pishnekuh— the brant, Branta bernicla, a small black-feathered goose the size of a mallard
Po·ne'mah ponemah— hereafter
Pu·ga·saing´ pugasaing— to throw; the game of bowl-and-counters, a dice game
Pug·ga·wau´gun puggawaugun— a war-club
Puk·wa·na´ pukwana— smoke of the peace pipe
Puk-Wudj´ies Puk-wudjies or Puk-Wudj-Ininnes — little wild men of the woods; pygmies; fairies
Sah-sah-je´wun sah-sah-jewun— rapids
Sah´wa sahwa— the perch
Seg·wun´ segwun— Spring
Sha´da shada— the pelican
Shah·bo´min shabomin— the gooseberry
Shah-shah shah-shah— long ago
Shau·go·da´ya shaugodaya— a coward
Shaw·ga·shee´ shawgashee— the crawfish
Sha·won·da´see shawondasee— the South-Wind
Shaw-shaw shaw-shaw— the swallow
Shesh´eb·wug sheshebwug— ducks; pieces in the game Pugasaing
Shin´ge·bis shingebis— the duck, a diver, resilient despite harsh conditions
Sho·wain´ne·me´shin showainnemeshin— pity me
Shuh-shuh-gah´shuh-shuh-gah— the blue heron
Soan-ge-ta´ha soan-ge-taha— strong-hearted
Se·bo·wi´sha sebowisha— a brook, a rivulet
Sub·be·ka´she subbekashe— the spider
Sug·ge´me suggeme— the mosquito
Ta·que·me´naw taquemenaw— the Tahquamenon River and Whitefish Bay
Ta·ma·rack´tamarack— the larch tree
Ti´pi tipi— a conical lodge tent made of animal hides or pelts stretched over wooden poles. Also spelled tepee. Should not be confused with a wigwam.
To´tem totem— family coat-of-arms, sigil
Ugh — yes
U·gud·wash´ ugudwash— the sunfish
Unk·ta·hee´ unktahee— the God of Water
Wa·bas´so wabasso— the rabbit, the North
Wa·be´no wabeno— a magician, a juggler
Wa·be´no-wusk wabeno-wusk— yarrow
Wa´bun wabun— the East Wind
Wa´bun An´nung wabun annung— the Star of the East, the Morning Star
Wa´ge·min wagemin— crooked grain, thief of cornfields
Wa·ho·no´win wahonowin— a cry of lamentation
Wah-wah-tay´see wahwah-taysee, wahwahtaysee— the firefly
Wam´pum wampum— strings of beads made from shells possessing symbolic cultural value. Sequences of colored beads encode information like a name or office; or a message.
Wau·beek´waubeek— the black rock
Wau·be·wy´on waubewyon— a white skin wrapper
Wa´wa wawa— the wild goose
Waw-be-wa´wa wawbe-wawa, wawbewawa— the white goose
Wa·wo·nais´sa wawonaissa, wawonaisa— the whippoorwill
Way-muk-kwa´na waymukkwana, waymukwana— the caterpillar
Way-was·si´mo waywassimo, waywasimo— the lightning
Wen´di·goes wendigoes— giants
We·no´nah wenonah— the eldest daughter; Hiawatha’s mother, daughter of Nokomis
Wig´wam wigwam— a semi-permanent domed dwelling. Should not be confused with a tipi.
Ye·na·diz´ze — an idler and gambler; a dandy